Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Five Weeks In

Today I completed my 36th workout as part of the 100 Day Challenge. That means I am five weeks strong. At this point it has become such a part of my routine that NOT working out would seem very strange to me (and not something I am aiming for). While I have passed the five week mark, it is amazing how I am already seeing my body change (for the better). I will admit that the number on the scale has definitely gone down, but I am also seeing a difference in my strength (both upper and lower body) and overall physique. While I am no where near where I aim to be (the truth is, we are always a work in progress), I have to admit I am pleased with what I am seeing. Excited even. But most importantly, I just feel fantastic. 

In honor of hitting my five weeks, I decided to go for it and register for my first mud run. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while now and the time just seemed right. So in August I will be participating in the Dirty Girl. I am SUPER excited about this and am already planning my outfit (yes, I will admit that I create and have running outfits). I do realize that I will be FILTHY by the time I make it through the obstacle course, but I always feel better when I love my outfit. I am also excited that my friend Ali will be joining me on this adventure! Hopefully we can get someone to come and snap some photos of us while we are in the trenches!

On another note, I have made a pretty big decision regarding my running. I will be completing my third and fourth half marathons in this calendar year, and I have decided to add to that my first full marathon. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I have decided to commit myself to running 26.2 miles next November! I do realize this is a very big decision, but it is something I have been wanting to push myself to for a long time now. The hours and miles of training will be so worth it in the end! I have opted to register for the Philadelphia Marathon so that I can get that big city feel, without the craziness of NY (I truly have no desire to ever run the NYC Marathon), and without the cost of traveling to Disney (which WILL happen at some point). All of this being said, I am very much looking forward to the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer...cold weather running is not nearly as much fun as it looks! Thankfully the groundhog DID NOT see his shadow, early spring HERE WE COME!

Also in the crazy fitness schedule is another 10k in April, the LI2DAY in June (a two day 35 mile walk I do every year with my sister, this will be our fourth year), and perhaps the Cow Harbor 10k in September. Registering for races and events is a great motivator and it keeps me focused. After all, I have all these dreams, but if I don't do anything about them all they will ever stay is dreams! It's time to take action!

On a very sad note, it appears that I have lost my FitBit. Somehow it fell off my bra and I didn't realize it until I got to the gym today. I'm hoping that I will find it at work tomorrow...but until then, or worse case scenario, until I replace the lost one, I am without my tracking device. I am deeply sad about this, but I realize it is only an object and I am still very capable of working out without it. Sigh.

So as we begin a new month and continue on our journey, what are your goals? What would you like to accomplish in February? In the next few months? In 2013?