Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Mindset

I have decided this year off with a renewed focus on myself and my wellness. This past year was amazing for so many reasons. In the spring we adopted a dog (Gus), we moved into our new home (lovingly known as Gustavo's Lair), and we got married in December. I traveled to Florida twice (once to Vero Beach in August and then to Disney for our honeymoon), went on countless adventures, fell in love with cooking, and enjoyed myself as much as wedding stress would allow.

But what I didn't do last year, was stay focused on my fitness goals and nutrition. I don't regret how I spent my year at all, but I want this year to be the year that I renew my love of all things healthy. That being said, I will no long be blogging about my 100 Day Journey (that is how I started), or marathon training (although that will come up). Instead, this blog will be focused on my continued fitness journey - new recipes, no activities, new goals, new friends, new decisions.

The other day I posted on my page ( my goals for 2015. They are as follows:

1. Be consistent, stay consistent!
2. Nourish my body, mind, and soul through healthy habits and fit decisions!
3. Run (at least one) 26.2 in 2015!
4. Journal on a daily basis and blog at least once week! 
5. Break through my barriers and fears and try new classes, distances, recipes, or even just a new piece of gym equipment!

I do realize these are very general goals, but that is because I like to leave room for new goals to pop up throughout the year. I also don't want to set myself up for disappointment...rather I would like these to be my overall goals for the year and have my decisions and actions fall under their umbrella.

I am excited about where this year will take me. I say this as I make our grocery list for's full of veggies, non-dairy products, and fuel for our bodies!

All this being said, I am happy to be back. I hope that you will stick around for the journey! Cheers! May 2015 be a grand year!

Gus and I on one of our daily jaunts! 

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