Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sweaty McSweats-A-Lot

I SWEAT! And I sweat a lot. Please consider this a public service announcement as well as apology. I sweat when I run, I sweat when I Zumba, I sweat when I'm at the gym...and if you are near me and I fling my arms, I might just accidentally fling sweat at you. I also turn beat red when I am working out...but I don't think I need to apologize for that.

Despite my Sweaty McSweatiness, I would like to state for the record that I DO NOT GLISTEN. I can't stand that. You should be proud of your sweat...it means that you are working hard! And I AM proud! I am proud that I don't glisten, or sparkle, or shimmer...I am proud that I work hard to sweat the way I do! It means that what I am doing is working, and it is proof that I am getting stronger (slowly but surely). Here is proof of my sweatiness...

This photo was taken yesterday after my workout. The back sweat in the picture on the right is not nearly as defined as the front sweat, mostly because there was so much of it. I had sent it to my guy and his words were..."EWWWW, GROSS!" My response was, "No, COOL!" I then went on to explain my above reasoning, that I am proud of what I do! This picture serves as proof that on Day 28 of my 100 Day Challenge I sweat! My workout had consisted of some serious cardio (intervals on the arc trainer), medicine ball squats, medicine ball sit-ups, and planks. 

Alright, I'm done with the sweat talk. Today was Day 29 and it was another gym day. I completed another great cardio workout, did some stairs, and some stretching. Thankfully I remembered to wear my FitBit today (Day 28 did not get recorded because I didn't realize until I was halfway to work that I had not put it on). I am proud to say that my stats were pretty impressive. Here's a look...


 14478 steps taken today
145% of goal of 10,000
 11 floors climbed today
110% of goal of 10
  • You have climbed: The Tallest Lego Tower 
 8.28 miles traveled today
166% of goal of 5.00
 3170 calories burned
145% of goal of 2,184
 1267 active score 
127% of goal of 1,000

While I am sure that there are a lot of people out there with better scores, I have to remember to only compare myself to MYSELF. And I am very pleased with today's results. It is definitely better than what my score might have been exactly one month ago on December 29th!

I know I have said it before, but I still can't believe that it has been a full month. I have been successful in working out every day for a month! Tomorrow is Day 30! Wow! (Yes, I just paused to do a happy dance!) Since tomorrow is Day 30 I have decided to share some of my reflections from the past month (in no particular order).

1. This challenge is NOT easy. Okay, so I could make it easy by doing the minimum (30 minutes of activity a day). Yes, I do choose to push myself to new limits all the time. But the truth is, even 30 minutes a day would be hard. There are days when I don't want to stop at the gym on the way home. There are days when I want to sleep late. And there are certainly days when I want to eat the world's largest piece of chocolate cake EVER! But I choose not to. Why? Because I am determined. I am committed. And I am strong...stronger than that piece of cake!

2. The FitBit might be the best investment I have ever made. Well, that and my medicine ball. I love it! It really is wonderful to see my stats at the end of every day. While there are days when I don't make my goals (it happens, 10,000 steps is pretty hard) and I feel a twinge of disappointment, I also can see how much difference a day like today makes. And what I really love is the weekly reports that FitBit emails to me! Wow! To see the calories I consume compared to the calories I burn is truly motivating! If you are genuinely interested in achieving a fitness goal similar to mine, then I highly suggest a FitBit.

3. I feel better. I can't believe how much better I feel about myself and just in general. My energy level is through the roof and to be honest, I am happier. I feel more like myself than I have in a while (and that is not to say that I don't have wonderful things going on in my life). My body feels better, my mental energy is better, my mood is better, and I feel stronger.


4. I couldn't be happier that I have dedicated myself to this challenge. For all of the reasons I have already mentioned and then some. I know that what I am doing is GOOD for ME. It might mean that I need to be more diligent about budgeting my time, what I am eating, and various other obligations...but I am through the roof with enthusiasm for what I am doing and I am proud to say that I am beginning to see results!

While the going is tough, and the road is long, it is important to remember that I do this for a reason. To make myself the best me yet. So on Day 29 I am sending a BIG thank you out to all of my readers (even if there are only two of you)! You motivate me to keep going! I would love to hear how you are doing...and remember, even if something doesn't go as planned, it's okay to start again! So keep going...you never know who you are inspiring!

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