Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's Been A While...

So if I don't blog about it, does that mean I didn't do it? Of course not! Life just occasionally gets in the way of blogging, but I haven't let it get in the way of my fitness goals. Tomorrow will be Day 70 (which means I just completed Day 69) of my 100 Day Challenge. It's hard to believe I am just about three quarters of the way through...

When I started this challenge 100 Days seemed daunting. I was scared. I honestly didn't know if I would be able to do it however I knew that I needed to make a change. Fitness had always been a part of who I was...whether it was Zumba, just going to the gym regularly, or running. But in the past year, I had let it fall to the wayside. In short, I let life get in the way. I became down on myself about a situation out of my control, and instead of using my fitness routine to make me feel better, I avoided it because I felt like garbage on the inside. So on January 1st I started my challenge and this blog to help me stay motivated. And the changes that I have experienced have been amazing - both physically and mentally. 

First off I feel stronger (physically) than I have in a very long time. I haven't reached all of my goals yet, but that's why I have them. They give me something to work for. My long runs just keep getting longer, my tempo runs keep getting faster, and my body keeps begging for more. Secondly, I feel stronger emotionally. Being fit and making positive health choices has helped me get through stressful situations as well made me feel like I can take on anything that life spits in my direction. In other words, I feel great all around. 

Is the challenge still difficult? Of course. I've had to say things like "I'm sorry, I can't, I need to workout." Or, "I'm going to be late, I need to go running." And do people occasionally get frustrated with that...sure. But I have realized that I need to make positive choices for's okay to put yourself first every once in a while. 

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