Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We're Getting There

It's a little under a month into the new year...

I'll pause for a second to let that sink in! I know it took me a moment to come to terms with the fact that the holidays are far behind and February is almost here! Sometimes I sit and wonder where the time goes. 

Today I am choosing to reflect on the past few weeks, my New Year's Goals, where I was and where I am going. These thoughts were somewhat ignited by my observations at the gym today, which I will get to in just a moment. 

As January drifts by many people give up on, lose sight of, or simply move away from those New Year's Resolutions that they made back at the start of the new calendar year. For some, it's due to the fact that the resolution was made in the spur of the moment. For others, perhaps it's they realized how much work it is going to take to achieve. And still for many it's because they chose unrealistic goals that couldn't be done overnight. 

Today while I was at the gym I realized how empty it was when I arrived. The long lines to sign up where non-existent. And while it was definitely "busy," gone where the early January crowds. I follow many blogs and pages on Facebook that joke about this trend at the start of the year. Many people post memes that complain about the crowds, in short saying that those who jump on the fitness wagon at the start of the year aren't going to stick with it. But when I arrived at the gym I was somewhat disappointed. Did that many people give up already? Or is everyone just home sick with the flu? 

Maybe if we spent more time coming up with realistic goals - goals that are manageable, can be broken into smaller goals, and are achievable for us individually, we would see more people stick with their resolutions. For example, if I said my New Year's Resolution was to lose 50 pounds by February 15...well, that might be doable if I were super woman, but it is most certainly not realistic. I would certainly be discouraged when I didn't see the scale move and I would probably look into drastic methods...I might even give up entirely. Why then do we focus on these goals that we can't keep? 

This brings me to me. Where do I fit into all of this?

I have several New Year's Goals (I prefer goals to resolutions) for 2015:

1. Be consistent and stay consistent. 

Update: I am getting there. This has been a little trickier for me these past few weeks as I have been having some pretty terrible migraines. Hopefully they will begin to decrease, but I am doing my best to power through them. Phil bought be a Garmin Vivo Fit for me for Christmas and I love it! It is definitely helping with keeping up my moving and keeping track, but I would like my workouts to get more consistent as I move forward. I am aiming for a spring half marathon and a fall marathon...but I am flexible. 

2. Nourish my body, mind, and soul through healthy habits and fit decisions!

Update: Again, this is a work in progress. I have been doing a lot of reading about food and how it impacts our bodies. I have also been trying to get in some relaxation time for my mind (puppies and cuddly blankets always help with that). It is my goal to begin getting in some yoga and try out some new recipes. Being in the kitchen is very relaxing for me and something I enjoy. I have discovered the love of making my own bread and have been reading a lot about this particular craft. 

3. Run (at least one) 26.2 in 2015!

Update: See number 1!

4. Journal on a daily basis and blog at least once week! 

Update: Getting there! I have been mindful of journaling and have been trying to set some time aside for blogging. I will get there, it just means changes in my routine! Small changes daily lead to big changes overall!

5. Break through my barriers and fears and try new classes, distances, recipes, or even just a new piece of gym equipment!

Update: I took a step towards this earlier this week. I don't want to speak too much about it until I have more info, but things are looking up! 

Reaching a New Year's Goal isn't a race, it's a process. Change is a process! Remember that! So I ask you, how are you doing with your goals? What have you achieved this month and where are you going?!?! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Mindset

I have decided this year off with a renewed focus on myself and my wellness. This past year was amazing for so many reasons. In the spring we adopted a dog (Gus), we moved into our new home (lovingly known as Gustavo's Lair), and we got married in December. I traveled to Florida twice (once to Vero Beach in August and then to Disney for our honeymoon), went on countless adventures, fell in love with cooking, and enjoyed myself as much as wedding stress would allow.

But what I didn't do last year, was stay focused on my fitness goals and nutrition. I don't regret how I spent my year at all, but I want this year to be the year that I renew my love of all things healthy. That being said, I will no long be blogging about my 100 Day Journey (that is how I started), or marathon training (although that will come up). Instead, this blog will be focused on my continued fitness journey - new recipes, no activities, new goals, new friends, new decisions.

The other day I posted on my page ( my goals for 2015. They are as follows:

1. Be consistent, stay consistent!
2. Nourish my body, mind, and soul through healthy habits and fit decisions!
3. Run (at least one) 26.2 in 2015!
4. Journal on a daily basis and blog at least once week! 
5. Break through my barriers and fears and try new classes, distances, recipes, or even just a new piece of gym equipment!

I do realize these are very general goals, but that is because I like to leave room for new goals to pop up throughout the year. I also don't want to set myself up for disappointment...rather I would like these to be my overall goals for the year and have my decisions and actions fall under their umbrella.

I am excited about where this year will take me. I say this as I make our grocery list for's full of veggies, non-dairy products, and fuel for our bodies!

All this being said, I am happy to be back. I hope that you will stick around for the journey! Cheers! May 2015 be a grand year!

Gus and I on one of our daily jaunts! 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Where I've Been (and Where I am Going)...

Hello friends!!! I know it has been an incredibly long time since I have written anything. Part of it was that after completing my 100 Day Challenge back in April I really struggled with trying to convey my emotions about my achievements. The other part has been that I was dealing with some personal matters...but since they have all been straightened out (onward and upward) I am back in business!

Let's start by "re-capping" the original reason for my starting this blog, the great 100 Day Challenge. I would be lying if I said that completing the challenge was easy, it was far from that. It required making time, commitment, and dedication. It also required me saying at times that I couldn't do something because I needed to get my workout in...something that not everyone always understands. I would also be lying if I said I wasn't proud of myself. I was and I am (and I am already planning my next challenge). Unfortunately despite being proud of myself, my emotions about completing the challenge were very overwhelming, I started and discontinued several blog posts since that time as I felt I just couldn't find the right words. I am not going to talk much more about that topic (as I still can't seem to find the right words) but I will say (rather proudly) that I DID IT! I made the time to work out every day for at least 30 minutes for 100 days straight! And in the end it truly felt GLORIOUS!

After completing my 100th Day workout! 

Moving on. Where have I been for the last few months and what have I been up to? Well, we'll start with me running a half marathon dressed as Wonder Woman. Yes, you did read that correctly. I dressed as Wonder Woman to run the Long Island 1/2 Marathon last a fundraiser. I set out to raise a set amount of money for the LI2DAY, a cause that is very much near and dear to my heart, and I far exceeded my goal amount. I had announced that if I reached said amount I would dress as my favorite comic book character, a very well known icon, for the race. Not only did my sister and boyfriend do an amazing job with my costume (Kelsey made the tutu and Phil designed and created the shirt), but it was such an amazing race for me! As many of my running friends know the crowds are always such a sign of support and love at races. The individuals cheering that day used my costume as a cheering tool, and it felt wonderful. The best was when a little boy (maybe about four years old) got all excited when I ran by! Cutest thing ever! Here's a picture of what I looked like the day I ran...

Not only was the race amazing (and the pancakes afterwards DELICIOUS), but I got such a wonderful response to both the costume and the fundraising that I said if I doubled my amount by the week before the LI2DAY (a 2-day breast cancer walk that my sister and I participate in every year), I would dress like Wonder Woman for Day 2 of the walk. So, lo and behold, the costume made yet another appearance! The LI2DAY, a 35-mile 2-day breast cancer walk, where 100% of what we raise goes to the cause (and stays on Long Island) takes place every June. This past year was my fourth year participating, and it was awesome. Kelsey and I embraced the Wonder Woman theme and Phil created a series of Wonder Woman shirts for us to wear throughout the walk. It was a great in which I realized how strong I have truly become. I finished the walk in great spirits, almost no blisters, and very little soreness (the soreness I did have was from sleeping in a tent between the two days). We are already planning for the 2014 event!!!!

Kelsey and I at the finish line of the LI2DAY! 35 miles for BUSTS!

Okay, so since completing my 100 Day Challenge I ran a 1/2 marathon dressed as Wonder Woman and participated in the 2013 LI2DAY. I also participated in a wealth of "fun" runs this summer. I did the Glow Run in June, an amazing Dirty Girl Mud Run in July, and the Color Run in September. While these were all amazing experiences, I have to say that the mud run was really eye opening for me. Not only did I complete obstacles that just a year ago I may have walked away from, but I felt stronger than I have in a long time and challenged myself in new ways. It was a WONDERFUL experience and I will definitely be back for more mud next year!

Post Mud Run glory!

In the month of August I also completed my first trail race. I really loved this course and the whole 'trail' experience. Once I finish marathon training (oh, whoops...getting ahead of myself), I will be looking to do more trail training. I guess I'll just need another pair of running shoes! I also participated in the Cow Harbor 10k. This is a HUGE race (over 5,500 participants) that has quite a lot of hills! I was very happy with my performance and really enjoyed the crowds. Tomorrow I will take on another half marathon and then this is my last race until Philly (keep reading). 

Now that I've recapped all of my "events" since completing the challenge, I need to mention the one big thing that I have been working towards. As a reward for completing the 100 Day Challenge I registered for my first...wait for it...full marathon. Yes, on November 17th I will be participating in the Philadelphia Marathon where I will take on 26.2 miles. This training has taught me so much about myself, discipline, commitment, and strength. I am fitter than I have ever been, challenged myself in new ways, and run FURTHER than I ever thought I would (we'll discuss this further in a future blog post). Marathon training is equally as emotional as it is physical and while I'm terrified (as I should be) of the mileage I will take on, I am incredibly excited and enthusiastic about the task. 

So, that brings us all up to date! I'm happy to be back! The next few posts will be all about my training leading up to race day...what it has taught me, how I'm feeling, and as the title says, where I will be going from here...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On the Road...

So I am on the road (literally) in Washington D.C....

See, that's me pricking my finger on the Washington Monument. I am not going to lie, I was nervous about taking a trip in the middle of my 100 Day Challenge. Was I really going to be able to stay consistent? Would I want to workout even though I am on "vacation?" Before leaving I spent some time planning my time here in order to incorporate plenty of physical activity, determined to overcome my fears. 

So today, for Day 86, I rode the Metro out to Arlington National Cemetery and worked my way back into the city on foot. Here is what my Fitbit told me about today's activity so far...

This morning I got up and walked to a Starbucks to grab some coffee (much needed after a late night of partaking in the DC craft beer scene) and a bite to eat. From there I walked to the Metro station (about 1.3 miles away) and headed out to the cemetery. Once there I walked the grounds for several miles. Climbing up to the Arlington House, visiting JFK's burial site, and witnessing the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown. The sites were moving and the weather was perfect for walking (although a little windy). Once leaving the cemetery I headed back into the city across Memorial Bridge stopping at the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, and MLK, FDR, and Jefferson memorials. From Jefferson I headed back towards the hotel (at this point my camera and phone were dead and I needed to recharge) to grab some lunch and relax a bit before heading out for the evening. I was out and about from about 9:00 this morning until 3:00 this afternoon and my totals were as follows, 76 flights of stairs, 10.02 miles (and I'm not done for today yet), and 20,459 steps! For Day 86 of my 100 Day Challenge I did some serious intentional walking (about six hours worth). It was FANTASTIC!

Being on the road isn't easy when it comes to staying consistent with both your fitness and food goals, but it can be done. What worked for me was thinking ahead about what I wanted to do during my travels. From there I was able to think about what kinds of workouts would fit best with my daily activities and what I needed to bring with me. I was sure to bring a variety of workout clothes, my running sneakers, and a resistance band to allow me to do some resistance band strength training in my room, and of course my Fitbit. Thankfully there is also a fitness center (however small) that allows me to fit in some cardio workouts...and I am hoping to get a run in at some point! As for the food, that is always the hardest part when you are enjoying yourself. That's why it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle and NOT just follow some diet (and yes, that is my VERY FIRM belief). Making healthy decisions while in D.C. is no harder than when I need to make healthy decisions at home because I have developed healthy behaviors/habits. 

While searching for tips about maintaining fitness and health goals while traveling I found some good tips. Here is a list of four simple suggestions to take into consideration when traveling. Obviously I've already talked about how I brought my own equipment, but I've also been picking up healthy snacks to carry with me throughout the day, along with carrying my Nalgene around with me to support my water habit. I also looked into some simple "do anywhere" workouts that I could follow in my hotel room with if need be. Here is one that I found from Fitness Magazine (one of my favorite reads) titled The 12 Minute Quickie Workout

In closing, I leave you with this thought. It's not a matter of whether fitness and health can remain consistent while's a question of whether you will make the effort to do so or not. For me, this isn't a challenge I am willing to let go of just to "enjoy" myself for a few days. Fitness is a part of who I am and I ENJOY it. I love the rush of adrenaline I get from a good long run, or the way my endorphins are pumping after an awesome sweat session. And yes, am I enjoying myself while I am here...there is no question there! This is who I am. When health and fitness become a lifestyle, there's no running away from matter what corners of the earth you travel to! 


Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's Been A While...

So if I don't blog about it, does that mean I didn't do it? Of course not! Life just occasionally gets in the way of blogging, but I haven't let it get in the way of my fitness goals. Tomorrow will be Day 70 (which means I just completed Day 69) of my 100 Day Challenge. It's hard to believe I am just about three quarters of the way through...

When I started this challenge 100 Days seemed daunting. I was scared. I honestly didn't know if I would be able to do it however I knew that I needed to make a change. Fitness had always been a part of who I was...whether it was Zumba, just going to the gym regularly, or running. But in the past year, I had let it fall to the wayside. In short, I let life get in the way. I became down on myself about a situation out of my control, and instead of using my fitness routine to make me feel better, I avoided it because I felt like garbage on the inside. So on January 1st I started my challenge and this blog to help me stay motivated. And the changes that I have experienced have been amazing - both physically and mentally. 

First off I feel stronger (physically) than I have in a very long time. I haven't reached all of my goals yet, but that's why I have them. They give me something to work for. My long runs just keep getting longer, my tempo runs keep getting faster, and my body keeps begging for more. Secondly, I feel stronger emotionally. Being fit and making positive health choices has helped me get through stressful situations as well made me feel like I can take on anything that life spits in my direction. In other words, I feel great all around. 

Is the challenge still difficult? Of course. I've had to say things like "I'm sorry, I can't, I need to workout." Or, "I'm going to be late, I need to go running." And do people occasionally get frustrated with that...sure. But I have realized that I need to make positive choices for's okay to put yourself first every once in a while. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Five Weeks In

Today I completed my 36th workout as part of the 100 Day Challenge. That means I am five weeks strong. At this point it has become such a part of my routine that NOT working out would seem very strange to me (and not something I am aiming for). While I have passed the five week mark, it is amazing how I am already seeing my body change (for the better). I will admit that the number on the scale has definitely gone down, but I am also seeing a difference in my strength (both upper and lower body) and overall physique. While I am no where near where I aim to be (the truth is, we are always a work in progress), I have to admit I am pleased with what I am seeing. Excited even. But most importantly, I just feel fantastic. 

In honor of hitting my five weeks, I decided to go for it and register for my first mud run. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while now and the time just seemed right. So in August I will be participating in the Dirty Girl. I am SUPER excited about this and am already planning my outfit (yes, I will admit that I create and have running outfits). I do realize that I will be FILTHY by the time I make it through the obstacle course, but I always feel better when I love my outfit. I am also excited that my friend Ali will be joining me on this adventure! Hopefully we can get someone to come and snap some photos of us while we are in the trenches!

On another note, I have made a pretty big decision regarding my running. I will be completing my third and fourth half marathons in this calendar year, and I have decided to add to that my first full marathon. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I have decided to commit myself to running 26.2 miles next November! I do realize this is a very big decision, but it is something I have been wanting to push myself to for a long time now. The hours and miles of training will be so worth it in the end! I have opted to register for the Philadelphia Marathon so that I can get that big city feel, without the craziness of NY (I truly have no desire to ever run the NYC Marathon), and without the cost of traveling to Disney (which WILL happen at some point). All of this being said, I am very much looking forward to the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer...cold weather running is not nearly as much fun as it looks! Thankfully the groundhog DID NOT see his shadow, early spring HERE WE COME!

Also in the crazy fitness schedule is another 10k in April, the LI2DAY in June (a two day 35 mile walk I do every year with my sister, this will be our fourth year), and perhaps the Cow Harbor 10k in September. Registering for races and events is a great motivator and it keeps me focused. After all, I have all these dreams, but if I don't do anything about them all they will ever stay is dreams! It's time to take action!

On a very sad note, it appears that I have lost my FitBit. Somehow it fell off my bra and I didn't realize it until I got to the gym today. I'm hoping that I will find it at work tomorrow...but until then, or worse case scenario, until I replace the lost one, I am without my tracking device. I am deeply sad about this, but I realize it is only an object and I am still very capable of working out without it. Sigh.

So as we begin a new month and continue on our journey, what are your goals? What would you like to accomplish in February? In the next few months? In 2013? 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sweaty McSweats-A-Lot

I SWEAT! And I sweat a lot. Please consider this a public service announcement as well as apology. I sweat when I run, I sweat when I Zumba, I sweat when I'm at the gym...and if you are near me and I fling my arms, I might just accidentally fling sweat at you. I also turn beat red when I am working out...but I don't think I need to apologize for that.

Despite my Sweaty McSweatiness, I would like to state for the record that I DO NOT GLISTEN. I can't stand that. You should be proud of your means that you are working hard! And I AM proud! I am proud that I don't glisten, or sparkle, or shimmer...I am proud that I work hard to sweat the way I do! It means that what I am doing is working, and it is proof that I am getting stronger (slowly but surely). Here is proof of my sweatiness...

This photo was taken yesterday after my workout. The back sweat in the picture on the right is not nearly as defined as the front sweat, mostly because there was so much of it. I had sent it to my guy and his words were..."EWWWW, GROSS!" My response was, "No, COOL!" I then went on to explain my above reasoning, that I am proud of what I do! This picture serves as proof that on Day 28 of my 100 Day Challenge I sweat! My workout had consisted of some serious cardio (intervals on the arc trainer), medicine ball squats, medicine ball sit-ups, and planks. 

Alright, I'm done with the sweat talk. Today was Day 29 and it was another gym day. I completed another great cardio workout, did some stairs, and some stretching. Thankfully I remembered to wear my FitBit today (Day 28 did not get recorded because I didn't realize until I was halfway to work that I had not put it on). I am proud to say that my stats were pretty impressive. Here's a look...


 14478 steps taken today
145% of goal of 10,000
 11 floors climbed today
110% of goal of 10
  • You have climbed: The Tallest Lego Tower 
 8.28 miles traveled today
166% of goal of 5.00
 3170 calories burned
145% of goal of 2,184
 1267 active score 
127% of goal of 1,000

While I am sure that there are a lot of people out there with better scores, I have to remember to only compare myself to MYSELF. And I am very pleased with today's results. It is definitely better than what my score might have been exactly one month ago on December 29th!

I know I have said it before, but I still can't believe that it has been a full month. I have been successful in working out every day for a month! Tomorrow is Day 30! Wow! (Yes, I just paused to do a happy dance!) Since tomorrow is Day 30 I have decided to share some of my reflections from the past month (in no particular order).

1. This challenge is NOT easy. Okay, so I could make it easy by doing the minimum (30 minutes of activity a day). Yes, I do choose to push myself to new limits all the time. But the truth is, even 30 minutes a day would be hard. There are days when I don't want to stop at the gym on the way home. There are days when I want to sleep late. And there are certainly days when I want to eat the world's largest piece of chocolate cake EVER! But I choose not to. Why? Because I am determined. I am committed. And I am strong...stronger than that piece of cake!

2. The FitBit might be the best investment I have ever made. Well, that and my medicine ball. I love it! It really is wonderful to see my stats at the end of every day. While there are days when I don't make my goals (it happens, 10,000 steps is pretty hard) and I feel a twinge of disappointment, I also can see how much difference a day like today makes. And what I really love is the weekly reports that FitBit emails to me! Wow! To see the calories I consume compared to the calories I burn is truly motivating! If you are genuinely interested in achieving a fitness goal similar to mine, then I highly suggest a FitBit.

3. I feel better. I can't believe how much better I feel about myself and just in general. My energy level is through the roof and to be honest, I am happier. I feel more like myself than I have in a while (and that is not to say that I don't have wonderful things going on in my life). My body feels better, my mental energy is better, my mood is better, and I feel stronger.


4. I couldn't be happier that I have dedicated myself to this challenge. For all of the reasons I have already mentioned and then some. I know that what I am doing is GOOD for ME. It might mean that I need to be more diligent about budgeting my time, what I am eating, and various other obligations...but I am through the roof with enthusiasm for what I am doing and I am proud to say that I am beginning to see results!

While the going is tough, and the road is long, it is important to remember that I do this for a reason. To make myself the best me yet. So on Day 29 I am sending a BIG thank you out to all of my readers (even if there are only two of you)! You motivate me to keep going! I would love to hear how you are doing...and remember, even if something doesn't go as planned, it's okay to start again! So keep never know who you are inspiring!